Publish GitHub packages
How to publish packages on a github repository
In Github every repository can publish packages, which can be used as dependencies in other projects.
Naming rule
Name of the package should include organization/username and will look like
So adjust name in package.json
Don' forget to publish the repository and add it to the package file as follows
"repository":{ "url": "git://" }
Access Token
We have to use the personal access token to authenticate, we can add the secret to the .npmrc file, so that need not authenticate manually.
This file can contain the registry information and authentication secrets, we need not expose this file to repository, so that add the file to the .gitignore
In the .npmrc include the registry information along with organization / owner .
Replace the owner with user/org and TOKEN with personal token generated.
//.gitignore .npmrc node_modules
Let's jump into terminal issue the npm publish command and it will take few minutes to update. The package will list on the repository as well as on user/org profile page.
How to update package ? Can't do that ! instead publish new version by change the version in package.json and publish new one.
For removing, there is dedicated delete button in relevant package.