TS props in Vue
How to add props in TS Vuejs
Sat Jun 19 2021
Props / properties area meant to display initial values on component and also meant to parent - child communication. So how to add a props Vuejs TS class component ?
Props in TS class
TypeScript allow us to separate Props from class, by extending and create a Prop object. I recommend this method.
- Create props object by extending Vue class
- Use the object to create our component class
<template> <div>{{ this.name }}</div> </template> <script> const nameProp= Vue.extend({ props: { name: { type: String, }, }, }); export default class NewComponent extends nameProp { //data version : 1.0 //method method1(){ conole.log('some text') } }; </script>
Lets import and use the component, place it in your template and specify the props value.
import New from "@/components/New.vue";
<template> <New name='Vue'/> </template> @Component({ components: { New }, }) ...